Tuesday, August 11, 2009

When Not to Blog

[Not that I have been active enough to worry about when not to blog, but I think this piece by Donn Johnson is worth reading.]

My son commented that I have not been posting as often as in the Winter and Spring. Last night I sat and reflected on when not to blog. My blog postings are, chiefly, idea-based and discussion-starters. When there is an interesting article or book that warrants discussion, I blog. When there is a newsworthy event that bears on church life and the faith community, I blog. When there is something happening in the culture that is intriguing, I blog.

But here are some of the areas off-limits for me:

1. church members in crisis
2. church staff issues that need discussion and resolution in-house
3. family matters
4. most things political
5. church conflicts
6. any confidentiality
7. something that makes me uneasy

The purpose for my blog is to add to the conversation already happening in churches among believers. I'm not sure how many non-believers read this. I think it's mainly those of us who are committed to life in the local body. The health and vitality of local churches is one of my highest concerns. Blogs that rip on the local church are not helpful. And the local church is fragile. So any blog I write that could plant a seed of suspicion or distrust is also not helpful (and I think I've done that in the past from some emails that came later). Blogs that poke at other churches are not helpful (I'm not the pastor of any other church but this one and don't know the stories behind the stories).

I've heard from a number of my pastor-friends this summer and it's tough going for many of them. So I'm doing a bit more praying and reading, reflecting and sitting.

(posted by Donn Johnson on the Jibstay blog, 1 Aug 2009)

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